Daily Announcements

Good Morning Paxon Hollow,

Today is Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Today is  “C”

Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Buses ~ Just a reminder that we cannot accept any request to ride another bus at this time.  All the buses are full. 

Laptops: Students, please remember to keep your laptop cases on your devices at all times. All District computers must be in their protective cases.

Cell Phones: If you have a cell phone with you, please take it out, turn it off, and put it away for the remainder of the day. Failure to follow this rule will result in your phone being confiscated, and your parents will have to pick it up from the school.

Respect for One Another: A gentle reminder to be mindful of words you use. What we say to one another can have a significant impact. Every day, we ask you to do your best, be kind, and make it a great day.  Never say anything to someone that you wouldn’t want said to you. Also, saying “I was just joking” is not an excuse and will not be accepted. Remember, it takes all day to make a great day, but one moment can turn a good day into a bad one. Think before you act.


The 2024-2025 PHMS yearbook is now available for sale now through March 21st. Families can order online at Barksdalephoto.com  Additional flyers are located in the main office.


Chess Club is today in room 400. Please see Mrs. Disharoon with any questions.

Attention Movie Fans! The next screening of the movie club will be on Thursday, February 20th in room 404. This month’s movie will be The Spongebob Squarepants Movie. Permission slips are available on the Schoology group or in room 404. Pickup will be between 4:30 and 4:45. Hope to see you there!”


Intramural basketball begins today for 6th graders. 

There is a Spring sports meeting on Friday, February 21st after school.



Afternoon Announcements

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Reminder all students to remain in their classroom and sit quietly until you hear your bus called.  No student should leave the classroom before they are called to leave.  This includes all athletes and anyone staying for an afternoon activity. 


The 2024-2025 PHMS yearbook is now available for sale now through March 21st. Families can order online at Barksdalephoto.com  Additional flyers are located in the main office.


Chess Club has been moved to Tuesday, February 18th . Please see Mrs. Disharoon with any questions.

Bus numbers ~

Bus 100 is now permanently 113

Bus 300 is now permanently 33

Lost and Found

Please check out the tables in the main lobby for anything you may have lost.


If you borrowed a laptop today please return it to the Library at this time.