
Welcome to the Paxon Hollow Middle School Guidance Counseling Office!


Guidance services are an integral part of the middle school program. Counselors serve as liaisons for parents and students with teachers and administrators. Middle School counseling is a unique opportunity to guide early adolescent students through challenging years of development. We are excited to have this opportunity to assist in the educational development of your child as a component of the student/school/home team. It is our goal to prepare your child to deal with social, emotional, and academic situations they will encounter in their middle school career and outside of the school atmosphere.

Guidance counselors provide support to students and parents. Services include:

  • Promoting positive self-esteem and attitudes throughout the student body
  • Helping teachers and parents aid students in achieving their highest potential
  • Assisting students with concerns and issues that are related to the natural process of development and "growing up"
  • Coordinating the efforts of other school specialists such as teachers, school psychologists, etc.
  • Providing a safe environment for students where they can express their concerns
  • Creating small and large discussion groups about ongoing home and school issues



6th Grade, Ms. Maddie Metzger,  610-359-4327

7th Grade, Mrs. Tara Casertano, 610-359-4324

8th Grade, Mrs. Linda Wigo, 610-359-4328

Guidance Secretary, Mrs. Kathy Fernandez, 610-359-4326


School Psychologist, Mrs. Michelle Frounjian

Behavior/Health Care Specialist, Mrs. Samantha Grimes-Scott

Speech and Language Pathologists, Mr. Luke Damiani & Mrs. Christine Miehle

Click Here to download the PHMS Guidance Department FAQs Document

Paxon-Hollow leads an exemplary student assistance program (SAP), providing interventions for at-risk students.